
You think that works?? Really??

    Imagine this.... START BY IMAGINING YOU DON'T SELL ANYTHING.. You've never heard from me before in your life. We've somehow become friends on Facebook, though you don't recall why or where. You received an invitation to some event from me, that you looked at briefly and thought you might be interested in. You clicked interested but you never entered the event or interacted. You're not sure what it's even all about or the person hosting it so you have no NEED to check it out more closely. In a week I send you a message letting you know I'm extending the event.. You think.. "Ah.. ok" and ignore the message or send a simple 'thank you'. Again, you don't know the person, you aren't quite sure what it is they are selling but you do know you don't NEED it and these days money is tight. So you move on with your day. A few more days go by and I send you another message. "The party is closing, do you want to ord

Don't be Ignorant !

  Definition of ignorant 1 a :   destitute of knowledge or education ignorant society> ; also :   lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified ignorant of modern mathematics> b :   resulting from or showing lack of knowledge or intelligence < ignorant errors> 2 :   unaware , uninformed Are you calling yourself a business owner? Then I'm sure you can read? Watch videos? Educate yourself right? PERFECT because you should be doing so!  I want to take a moment to give you another perspective on  yourself. Make sure you are taking the time to do your own homework and ensure the success of you business. In my 5 years of working directly with direct sales men and women, I have noticed a pattern.  The most successful of you, do your research. You read a Facebook post, advertisements or information FULLY before asking questions about it. You read all information provided for an event before asking to be a


                THE HIGHEST OF DISTINCTIONS IS SERVICE TO OTHERS   The truly successful person doesn't use others, other people use them. If you can contribute to others, no matter how small your talent, you too can become successful. The measure of anyone is the number of people that they serve. Service to others is the essence of success. No one achieves success without being of service. All great men and women became successful because they gave some talent or ability in the service of others. Everybody has to be somebody to somebody to be anybody.      KNOWLEDGE IS POWER   The most successful people in life are the ones with the best information. People with power are people who know how to get things done. Knowing how to do something is sometimes virtually the same as having done it. Knowledge will come to you when your eyes and mind ar

How to Get 20-50 Leads Per Day on Facebook

How to Get 20-50 Leads Per Day on Facebook -Rob Fore  This is another zero-budget strategy you can begin using right away. You do not need to have a Facebook page set up to use this system, but it is highly recommended you do because having a strong social media presence is one of the critical points of commonality we found used by every online top producer. Join at least 10 Facebook groups where your target market hangs out Personally engage on each group daily (answer questions, comment, share) Post valuable content at least once per day on your page Post same content to all 10 groups (if it applies) Link to lead capture pages and offer free training Link to your funded proposals Share free video training The key to having success with this model is to actually bring value to each group you participate in. You do not want to sell in any way, shape or form. That is called spamming and you don’t want to become known for being a spammer. You want to actually log into each grou

Branding With A Mindset To Success

"Branding With A Mindset To Success"  Content Created By Manny Lopez and the $7 lead system Personal Branding training is provide to WFHC yearly and lifetime members for free.  If you need help developing or understanding any of the following, please take advantage of your membership and reply to this email with your questions.  1. Find your PASSION! Take a look at what makes you happy. What are the things in your life on a daily basis that bring smiles to your face? Take that passion, and translate that into a brand. Develop that brand around your passion. Watch it take flight ! 2. Colors In Branding: The color of your brand can reflect the mood at which someone sees your business. Here's a few tips on using the right colors for your brand. Red Strong color meant to take action quickly. Wants to be noticed. Blue" Very safe color to use to describe integrity, honesty and dependability. Yellow: Analytical color meant to