You think that works?? Really??



Imagine this....


You've never heard from me before in your life. We've somehow become friends on Facebook, though you don't recall why or where. You received an invitation to some event from me, that you looked at briefly and thought you might be interested in. You clicked interested but you never entered the event or interacted. You're not sure what it's even all about or the person hosting it so you have no NEED to check it out more closely.

In a week I send you a message letting you know I'm extending the event.. You think.. "Ah.. ok" and ignore the message or send a simple 'thank you'. Again, you don't know the person, you aren't quite sure what it is they are selling but you do know you don't NEED it and these days money is tight. So you move on with your day.

A few more days go by and I send you another message. "The party is closing, do you want to order?"  You might answer with a polite "No thank you", if at all right?

Now Imagine this...

Start with the same situation above but when I send you that first message, the one where I told you about the event being extended... What if I said something like this instead..

"Hello there! You were interested in an event I was having and just wanted to say thanks but while I was on your profile to message you, I noticed you are having trouble with installing your new water heater and I thought this article might help you! Hope I'm not bother you. Let me know if it helped.

Of course you will need to take the time to scroll a few posts and find something to 'connect' with. Perhaps they shared a funny video of something their kid did and you can relate.. then your message would say " ..... while I was on your profile to message you, I couldn't help but notice your daughter has the exact same glasses as my daughter! Neat! Does she like ketchup and mayo like mine too lol? "

Point being I am probably going to respond, I may even take a look at YOUR profile  .. you now have the chance to form the relationship that will lead to me sharing your information with my friends and increased sales!!

Just saying.. these messages seem to be popular right now and you aren't doing yourself any favors by making me feel like you are after my wallet ;) 

Take time to google a situation and help someone or find a connection you can relate with and watch your participation and following go up.. 


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