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Welcome to the WORK FROM HOME CLUB blog! Here you will find  information on how we help online and small businesses, tips and tricks and tons more for growing your business with the power of numbers! Be sure to interact on the threads and leave your business information where applicable!

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The truly successful person doesn't use others, other people use them.
If you can contribute to others, no matter how small your talent, you too can become successful. The measure of anyone is the number of people that they serve.

Service to others is the essence of success.
No one achieves success without being of service.

All great men and women became successful because they gave some talent or ability in the service of others.

Everybody has to be somebody to somebody to be anybody.

What do I, Shauna, mean when I say 'networking' .. I am NOT referring to 'network marketing' in which you are seeking people who you can 1. get to purchase your services by selling them 'training' services or 2. training others in the way of creating more networking marketers..
What I DO mean:
To interact with other people to exchange information and develop contacts, especially to further one's career.
"the skills of networking, bargaining, and negotiation"
and I expect you to apply this in SUPPORTIVE ways, liking, sharing, mentioning those you have as 'friends' on your lists. Connecting and bonding with people so when they see you in the feed they think " Oh let me share that for them! " because they LIKE you and SUPPORT you..
I in no way mean for you to form false relationships with people you have nothing in common with!
Make connections with those who you are genuinely attracted to personality wise. They are not your 'potential or target' clients.. they are your SUPPORT network and if you gain a sale or team member.. BONUS.. but these are the people that will get you in front of those potential sales by supporting you with 'word of mouth' or 'shares' ...
Go make some friends and ask them to share a post for ya!

Source ~ Shauna-Jean Rogers-Schollaert shared her photo.
Contact those who 'like' your page!
Go into your 'settings' of your business page or fan page.. then click the people and other pages tab .. bazinga baby.. reach out!! They already liked you for some reason.. these are 'warm' leads!

LikeShow more reactions

Source ~ Shauna Schollaert

Facebook Parties... They are flopping, big ol disappointments... SOOOO Remember to change your outlook. Use the 'going, interested, invited' tabs to reach out to those who responded and ask them if they would like to book their own party? Start thinking of the party as a way to connect, not a way to plaster your sales pitches in hopes of a sale.. start making them more like a 'chit chat visit'.. tag the new comers and engage them in day to day conversation topics.. STOP TRYING TO SELL OR MAKE THE NEXT SALE WITH YOUR PARTIES.. use them differently, you will stand out and be more successful!

Source ~ Shauna Schollaert

When you are trying to build bonds with people and grow your network, it is IMPERATIVE that you are responding to your followers comments and messages. You want to establish conversations (which Facebook deems as at least 10 comments in one thread) in order to get out in front of more people and you want to develop bonds with these people so you can add them to your support network, those people who will interact with you and share your content, helping you reach more people, more people reached or added to your network equals more sales. 

Source unknown-
the key to attracting and retaining young clients is to be dynamic and energetic. Young customers are drawn to agents that are similar to them
“First you need to find some common ground with your prospective client,” Alessandra said. “You need to hit it off. In this business, as much as it’s price-driven it’s also relationship driven. We’ve found to attract the very best clients, regardless of which segment we’re marketing to, you need to have common ground and you need to develop a relationship.”
Ross said that it is best for agents and brokers to discover hobbies and interests that they have in common with consumers include but are not limited to: vision planning, networking, client relationships, event strategy, logistics, and then build upon those similarities.

The programs we sign up for and paid members get to utilize, they send us these awesome tips that we pass on. This tip was shared with us via the Facebook contest app ~

How to engage your audience with WOW content... 
click the link below to read.
source unknown

What is the Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction can be understood by understanding that ‘like attracts like’. What this means is that whether we realize it or not, we are responsible for bringing both positive and negative influences into our lives. A key part of the Law of Attraction is understanding that where you place your focus can have an intense impact on what happens to you. If you spend your days wallowing in regrets about the past or fears of the future, you’ll likely see more negativity appearing, but if you look for the silver lining in every experience then you’ll soon start to see positivity surrounding you every day. Therefore, the Law of Attraction encourages you to see that you have the freedom to take control of how your future develops, shaping it in the ways you choose.
When you learn how to use the many powerful and practical tools associated with the Law of Attraction, you can start living and thinking in a more optimistic way that is specifically designed to attract even more positive events and experiences. Whatever you’re longing for, whatever your dreams and goals, the Law of Attraction can teach you valuable lessons that will bring you closer to your most treasured ambitions.


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