Don't be Ignorant !


Definition of ignorant

  1. 1a :  destitute of knowledge or education ignorant society>
; also :  lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified ignorant of modern mathematics>b :  resulting from or showing lack of knowledge or intelligence <ignorant errors>

  • Are you calling yourself a business owner? Then I'm sure you can read? Watch videos? Educate yourself right? PERFECT because you should be doing so! 

    I want to take a moment to give you another perspective on  yourself. Make sure you are taking the time to do your own homework and ensure the success of you business. In my 5 years of working directly with direct sales men and women, I have noticed a pattern. 

    The most successful of you, do your research. You read a Facebook post, advertisements or information FULLY before asking questions about it. You read all information provided for an event before asking to be a part of it and you even ask questions! 

    Those of you who struggle the most, seem to rush through everything. Asking questions when the answer is clearly in the information provided, and not bothering to inform yourself of what  you are really getting into with your marketing choices. 

    For example:

    "We are seeking vendors for an in person event, You will supply your own table. Spaces are $20 for the day. Location is Tim Buck Two Egypt 45678. Set up time is at 5am and tear down at 10 p.m. Email for more information" 

    When you inquire about this event, one of your questions SHOULD NOT BE "Where is the event located?"  Now should it?? This tells the host that you are probably not going to be an active vendor. You will probably set up and sit there, then possibly even complain about the event not being successful.

    When working your business there is WORK required. If you are an event goer,  you should be educating yourself on the type of event it is, meeting the other vendors, gathering business cards for connections, party swaps, sales swaps etc.. you should not be sitting on your butt waiting for people to flock to you and throw their money at you! Any event you attend that has other bodies present can be a business building event for you if you MAKE it one. Even without one sale..

    You should be doing research on any marketing avenue you are using. Research meaning you should be looking up information and reading that info, asking questions of your up-line or other sellers you know, watching videos on the subject and gathering your OWN business growing knowledge BEFORE venturing out and damaging your reputation with questions and actions that simply make you look unprepared . I know I feel better making purchases from someone who knows what they are doing and talking about lol. 

    Now, no question is a stupid question if you have looked in the information provided for the answer first. Be sure you read all instructions and send any requested information formatted in the manner it was requested. Paying attention to details is important and will make you more respected in your industry as well as save you unwanted typos and wasted time / money. 

    Be EDUCATED, not ignorant. Stand out, be remembered... 

    DO IT, I dare ya ;)

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