My vision, OUR plan

Why I created this club, 

Why I put in so much time 


Why I don't mind NOT making any money.

Making a living from a online business is no longer a SCAM or unattainable dream, with today's advancements in technology, we can practically sell anything to anyone, anywhere. This is a true statement BUT it is hard, very hard and depressing most days. To make a honest living online will require blood, sweat, tears and more time than you have in a day. It can also be almost as rewarding as becoming a parent of your first child! The excitement you feel when things click and you are finally able to exhale and RELAX without the burden of making the next sale to pay your light bill, is one of the most thrilling and rewarding feelings you could ever experience. Just ask those of us who have it!

I used to struggle, I used to worry about how I would afford a 99 cent pack of sandwich meat  for dinner.. NO SHIT.. things USED TO BE beyond tight for my family.. and that was with a 'regular job'... 

Through a very blessed series of events, this is no longer the case and I pray it never will be again. It is because of my years of SUFFERING on so many different levels, that I can not stand to watch people struggle, work their hearts out only to be facing the loss of their home, their electric, a shortage of money for school clothes and ultimately still struggling to survive. 

I have a desire to help others be less burdened with these struggles and able to enjoy a financial freedom only felt by those with money.  I've taken my education, experience and observations and put them all together in one online club in order to help others be more successful with their businesses. 

You won't find high priced coaches or big ticket money sucking gimmicks in our club.. We are run by volunteers and operate on donated funds. Meaning, all we ask for our help is what you are able to give! Nothing less nothing more. 

The club is being built and designed to hold all one could want for starting a home business, marketing a home business, networking, and achieving success with other people helping you, learning with  you, and supporting  you when you think you just can't hack it. It is, at this point, a functioning work in progress ;).

This is NOT to say I will give you some magic formula to over night riches.. that is a scam, a unrealistic view of business at all.. Any business, online business being the hardest, will require a TON OF WORK from you if you truly desire to become 'successful' and financially independent. 

What we CAN and WILL do is help you reach more people, teach you basic networking and sales skills, tips and tricks and how to stay strong when it seems the world is against you. 

Again, we only ask that you donate what you can afford to help keep the club going, if you can not donate with cash then we simply ask that you share the club, share the members posts and help us grow ;) Our focus is on building relationships and strong sales skills. 

Those making donations will receive free rewards and even 'paid membership' status in some cases. Paid members  receive many 'bonus' perks for helping themselves and others, be successful in life!

 .. Follow this link for more information on free and 'paid' memberships..


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